movies of keanu reeves

Best movies of keanu reeves

Keanu Charles Reeves, whose first name signifies "cool wind over the mountains" in Hawaiian, was conceived on September 2, 1964 in Beirut, Lebanon. 

Here is the list of Best movies of Keanu reeves :

movies of keanu reeves

With the awkward demise of his adored spouse despite everything unpleasant in his mouth, John Wick (Keanu Reeves), the master previous professional killer, gets one last blessing from her- - a valuable memento to support John (Keanu Reeves) locate another importance in life since she is no more. However, when the egotistical Russian crowd ruler, Iosef Tarasov, and his men pay Wick a somewhat unwanted visit to deny him of his valued 1969 Mustang and his significant other's present, the amazing hired gunman will be compelled to uncover his fastidiously disguised personality. Dazzle with vengeance, John (keanu reeves) will quickly release a deliberately coordinated bedlam of decimation against the complex boss, Viggo Tarasov, and his family, who are completely mindful of his deadly limit. Presently, no one but blood can extinguish the boogeyman's hunger for retaliation. It is probably the best film of keanu reeves. 

movies of keanu reeves

It is perhaps the best film of keanu reeves. During the year 1999, a man named Thomas Anderson (otherwise called Neo) (keanu reeves), carries on with a standard life. A product nerd by day and a PC programmer around evening time, he sits alone at home by his screen, sitting tight for a sign, a sign - from what or whom he doesn't have a clue - until one night, a puzzling lady named Trinity searches him out and acquaints him with that nondescript character he has been hanging tight for: Morpheus. A savior of sorts, Morpheus presents Neo (keanu reeves) with reality with regards to his reality by revealing insight into the dim insider facts that have disturbed him for such a long time. 

movies of keanu reeves

Limited by a certain blood obligation to the Italian wrongdoing ruler, Santino D'Antonio, and with his valuable 1969 Mustang despite everything taken, John Wick (keanu reeves)- - the moody and merciless professional killer who yearns for disengagement - is compelled to visit Italy to respect his guarantee. Be that as it may, soon, the Bogeyman will end up hauled into an incomprehensible undertaking in the core of Rome's mystery criminal society, as each executioner in the business fantasies about cornering the unbelievable Wick (keanu reeves) who currently has a gigantic cost on his head. Soaked in blood and savagely chased down, John Wick (keanu reeves) can clearly overlook a quiet retirement as nobody can make it out in one piece. It is probably the best film of keanu reeves. 

  • Speed 
movies of keanu reeves

At the point when a youthful Los Angeles police division, Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.) official called Jack Traven (keanu reeves) maddens resigned Atlanta police office bomb crew part, Howard Payne, by thwarting his endeavor at taking prisoners stuck in a lift with a bomb, Payne in counter arms a transport with a bomb that will detonate on the off chance that it dips under 50 miles for every hour. With the assistance of spunky traveler Annie, Jack (keanu reeves) and his accomplice Detective Harry Temple attempt to spare the individuals on the transport before the bomb goes off, while additionally attempting to make sense of how Payne is observing them. It is perhaps the best film of keanu reeves. 

movies of keanu reeves

A half year after the occasions delineated in The Matrix, Neo (keanu reeves) has end up being a hint of something better over the horizon for the free people, as an ever increasing number of people are being liberated from the grid and brought to Zion, the unparalleled fortification of the Resistance. Neo (keanu reeves) himself has found his superpowers including super speed, capacity to see the codes of the things inside the network, and a specific level of precognition. In any case, a frightful bit of news hits the human obstruction: 250,000 machine sentinels are burrowing to Zion and would contact them in 72 hours. As Zion gets ready for a definitive war, Neo (keanu reeves), Morpheus and Trinity are prompted by the Oracle to discover the Keymaker who might assist them with arriving at the Source. In the mean time Neo's intermittent dreams portraying Trinity's demise have him stressed and as though it was insufficient, Agent Smith has by one way or another got away from cancellation, has gotten more impressive than previously and has picked Neo (keanu reeves) as his next objective. It is perhaps the best film of keanu reeves. 

movies of keanu reeves

A gathering of secondary school companions must deal with the way that one of them, Samson, killed another, Jamie. Responses fluctuate, as Layne is resolved to securing Samson and sneaking him out of the state, while others believe it's ideal to go to the police. Matt's (keanu reeves) extreme younger sibling likewise gets some answers concerning the body and nobody knows how the police will find out about the homicide or who will be accused of it. It is probably the best film of keanu reeves. 

  • John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum
movies of keanu reeves

John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is on the run for two reasons, as he is being pursued for a worldwide $14 million dollar open agreement on his life, and for disrupting a focal norm: ending a real existence on Continental Hotel grounds. The casualty was an individual from the High Table who requested the open agreement. John (keanu reeves) ought to have just been executed, with the exception of the Continental's administrator, Winston, who has given him a one-hour effortlessness period before he's 'Excommunicado' - participation denied, restricted from all administrations and cut off from different individuals. John (keanu reeves) utilizes the administration business to remain alive as he battles and murders out of New York City. It is probably the best film with Keanu reeves.

  • My Own Private Idaho
movies of keanu reeves

Mike Waters lives in the city and becomes a close acquaintance with the fairly more established and streetwise Scott Favor (keanu reeves) who gives him what is important to endure. Waters experience narcolepsy and can nod off at any second and in practically any situation. Favor (keanu reeves) originates from a rich family and is opposing his own experience. They travel together broadly - Waters is driven by the need to locate his natural mother - and invest energy in Italy. Sometime down the road, be that as it may, Favor (keanu reeves) has joined the standard society and possesses little energy for his old companion. It is probably the best film of keanu reeves. 

movies of keanu reeves

In the modest community of San Dimas, a couple of miles from Los Angeles, there are two almost mind dead young men passing by the names of Bill S, Preston ESQ. furthermore, Ted (keanu reeves) Theodore Logan, they have a fantasy together of beginning their own awesome band called the "Wyld Stallyns". Sadly, they are still in secondary school and very nearly bombing out of their school also, and in the event that they don't pass their up and coming history report, they will be isolated because of Ted's (keanu reeves) father sending him to military school. Be that as it may, what Bill and Ted (keanu reeves) don't know is that they should remain together to spare what's to come. In this way, a man from the future named Rufus came to assist them with passing their report. Along these lines, both Bill and Ted (keanu reeves) chose to get together recorded figures which they require for their report. They are trusting that this will assist them in passing their report so they can remain together. It is probably the best film of keanu reeves. 


movies of keanu reeves

Hong Kong big shot Donaka Mark (keanu reeves) runs an underground system of hand to hand fighting applied in wicked duels for paying crowds, live nearby or pay per see. The police hasn't got anyplace researching him after the dubious demise of a witness who was put down after a battle. Donaka (keanu reeves) likewise selects in territory China, searching for oddities at standard combative techniques occasions. In Beijing he spots and welcomes Tiger' Chen Lin Hu, a bicycle dispatch and the last understudy of jujitsu ace Yang, who nearly gives up if his skilled follower will at long last grasp the reflection-based way of life or be demolished by the dangerous rationale of fierce aspiration. To cause a tiger to acknowledge battling for money, Donaka (keanu reeves) orchestrates the sanctuary to require a little fortune inside a month to evade destruction. Tiger wins quick, yet dives in a flippant winding, and the police are following right after them. It is probably the best film with Keanu reeves.

  • Little Buddha
movies of keanu reeves

Lama Norbu comes to Seattle looking for the resurrection of his dead instructor, Lama Dorje. His pursuit drives him to youthful Jesse Conrad, Raju, a starving stray from Kathmandu, and a high society Indian young lady. Together, they excursion to Bhutan where the three youngsters must experience a test to demonstrate which genuine rebirth is. Mixed with this, is the tale of Siddharta, later known as the Buddha. It follows his profound excursion from obliviousness to genuine illumination. It is probably the best film with Keanu reeves.

  • The Matrix Revolutions
movies of keanu reeves

Neo (Keanu Reeves) finds that in some way or another he can utilize his forces in reality as well and that his psyche can be liberated from his body, because of which he winds up caught on a train station between the Matrix and the Real World. In the interim, Zion is getting ready for the approaching war with the machines with almost no odds of endurance. Neo's (keanu reeves) partners set out to liberate him from The Merovingian since it's accepted that he is the One who will end the war among people and the machines. What they cannot deny is that there is a danger from an outsider, somebody who has plans to demolish both the universes. It is probably the best film of keanu reeves.

movies of keanu reeves

Johnny Utah with Angelo Pappas. The two are solicited to examine the number from burglaries submitted by a gathering called The Ex-Presidents, who wear veils of previous Presidents Reagan, Nixon, Carter, and Johnson for their thefts. Pappas has a hypothesis that The Ex-Presidents are a gathering of surfers, and requests Utah to go covert as a surfer. The issue is, Utah couldn't surf to spare his life. That, in addition to the two consistently being bothered by terrible and unpleasant Agent Harp (John C. McGinley). With the assistance of Tyler (Lori Petty) an equipped female surfer, Utah starts to pick up the regard of neighborhood surfer Bodhi (Patrick Swayze) and his gathering. Utah shapes a nearby bond with Bodhi, however, the connection between Utah (keanu reeves) and Bodhi becomes restricted when Utah (keanu reeves) suspects that Bodhi and his gathering are The Ex-Presidents. It is perhaps the best film of keanu reeves. 


movies of keanu reeves

Kevin Lomax (keanu reeves), a savage youthful Florida lawyer that never lost a case, is enrolled by the most impressive law office on the planet. Regardless of his mom's difference, which looks at New York City to Babylon, he acknowledges the offer and the cash that tags along. Be that as it may, soon, his significant other beginnings feeling pining to go home as she observes wicked phantoms. Be that as it may, Kevin (keanu reeves) is soaking in his new cases and saves money and less consideration regarding his significant other. His chief and coach, John Milton, appear to consistently realize how to conquer each issue and that just oddities Kevin (keanu reeves) directly off. It is probably the best film of keanu reeves. 

  • Destination Wedding
movies of keanu reeves

The account of two hopeless and upsetting wedding visitors, Lindsay and Frank (keanu reeves), who build up a shared friendship notwithstanding themselves. It is perhaps the best film with Keanu reeves.

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